University of Maryland Eastern Shore

What is the Difference Between a White Hat Hacker and Black Hat Hacker?


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Black Hat Hacker staring at computer screen wearing hoodie as the room is illuminated by green light. White Hat Hacker conceptual.

Movies are probably to blame for the majority of the public not understanding what a hacker actually does. We all conjure a very specific set of tropes in our brains whenever we hear about hacking. A man in a hoodie, typing late into the night as the green glow of binary code illuminates his Doritos-dust … Read more

What is a Honeypot?


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

honeypot sitting on a brown paper on a table. Spoon in honey. Honey jar.

In 1986, systems administrator Clifford Stoll noticed nine seconds of unpaid computer time at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Upon being asked to resolve this, Stoll eventually came to the conclusion that a hacker had illegally gained access to their network by exploiting a vulnerability. Stoll decided he would set up a trap for the hacker. He … Read more

How to Keep your PC From Getting a Virus


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

A magnifying glass lays over a PC screen as blue spiked viruses float out of the PC screen.

Stop Replacing your PC Once Every Three Years. It is no secret that PC has a bad reputation. In addition to being viewed as the model that is more likely to receive a virus, PCs are seemingly built to break. According to most companies, when your computer slows down, or behaves unusually, it is simply time … Read more

Child Internet Safety


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Woman assisting young girl who is typing on a computer in a library child internet safety

As a 23 year old, I belong to the very last age group of people who remember a world before internet connection became ubiquitous. My internet connection was dial up. Once I was old enough to start browsing the web, my parents sprung into action. They installed intense internet safety child blocks all over the … Read more

Employee Reporting


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Employee Reporting boss yelling at employee business attire

As we have talked about before, insider threats are responsible for around 43% of all data breaches. Among these breaches, 21% of them are intentional, malicious, and premeditated. As more small businesses come under attack, anxiety within the work place is at an all-time high. When facing the threat landscape, it is important to remember … Read more

Common Cybersecurity Attacks


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Cybersecurity attacks, black and white, criminal typing on keyboard, cyber attack

In the cybersecurity world, vulnerability is the first step in exploitation. These exploitations often involve a hacker gaining unlawful access into a computer system and wreaking havoc. In order to stay vigilant and cyber safe, it is important to understand what the common cybersecurity attacks are. Backdoor Attacks A backdoor in a computer system is … Read more

Tips for Millennials on Cybersecurity Practices


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Millennials on their phones Cybersecurity

Millennials are at risk to be the victim of a cyber-crime. Millennials are in a constant state of media saturation. Growing up, many millennials have been bombarded with dated and cheesy propaganda designed to keep us “cyber safe”. Videos of large, talking computers who rap about the dangers of chat-rooms were a dime a dozen … Read more

6 Tips for Getting the Most out of Cybersecurity Conferences


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Man speaking at a conference on cybersecurity conferences

An important part of cybersecurity is plugging into the surrounding community. Connectivity is a major component of spreading new innovations. Many security professionals enjoy attending conferences for this very reason. But when attending cybersecurity conferences, it is important to get the most out of your interactions. Therefore, here are some tips to make sure you … Read more

Insider Threat – The Unseen Risk


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Giant shadow finger pointing at an employee who is an insider threat. Man is in a suit sitting at a desk on a chair. Grey background.

When it comes to threats in cybersecurity, the insider threat is not the first one that comes to mind. Malware, ransomware, hacking, and denial-of-service attacks dominate the headlines. But more often than not, an insider threat is the cause of many of these attacks. In fact, insider threats are responsible for around 43% of all data … Read more