University of Maryland Eastern Shore

Biometric Technology Industry


Pratik Kirve, ,

Biometric Technology Abstract

Advances in biometric technology have transformed the conventional ways of identification and verification. As a result, innovation has become a prime focal point for reducing the efforts of people. This is achieved with new forms of verification and ensuring the security. From vocal biometric technology used for telephone banking to approving new patents for Apple’s … Read more

Mobile Robots: New Products, Upgrades, and Business Strategies


Pratik Gundawar, ,

Mobile Robots, Robot holding a ball

Automation has become the focal point of various industries across the world. Whether it is a manufacturing or automobile industry, mobile robots are a crucial part in implementing automation. The requirement to improve workflow and efficiency of workers has led the e-commerce giants to deploy robotics solutions. Amazon has acquired a tech company to enhance … Read more

What is a Firewall and How Does it Work?


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Cords plugging into a system firewall

Firewalls have essentially been around since the beginning of the internet. A firewall is a network device designed to protect your system by monitoring and controlling information traffic based on a preset list of rules to ensure security. Firewalls establish a barrier of protection between a trusted network and a foreign network. They are one … Read more

What is a Honeypot?


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

honeypot sitting on a brown paper on a table. Spoon in honey. Honey jar.

In 1986, systems administrator Clifford Stoll noticed nine seconds of unpaid computer time at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Upon being asked to resolve this, Stoll eventually came to the conclusion that a hacker had illegally gained access to their network by exploiting a vulnerability. Stoll decided he would set up a trap for the hacker. He … Read more