University of Maryland Eastern Shore
From the Winter 2023 Issue

How K-12 Schools Can Confidently Protect Digital Identities


Michael Webb, Chief Technology Officer, Identity Automation

K-12 Schools Digital Identities

Data heavy and often highly vulnerable, the K-12 education sector provides a broad surface area for exploitation by sophisticated and novice hackers alike. Increasingly targeting all varieties of schools – large and small, urban and rural, public and private, cybercriminals seek out fast financial gain by gaining access to the highly sensitive personal data of … Read more

From the Winter 2023 Issue

Teaching Kids How to Hack


Alex Haynes, CISO , IBS Software

Teaching Kids How to Hack

Many industry professionals bemoan the lack of qualified candidates within information security and resource scarcity is a common issue for many companies. According to latest estimates and depending which numbers you follow, there is a potential shortfall of up to one million cybersecurity professionals globally and this is just getting worse. Granted, geo-political issues like … Read more

From the Spring 2021 Issue

Now is the Time to Address Cybersecurity Education


Kevin Nolten, Director of Academic Outreach, CYBER.ORG


The tumult of this past year, 2020, has deeply affected the United States’ cybersecurity posture and our ability to defend against significant threats, underscoring the need for continued investment in K-12 cybersecurity education. Millions of K-12 students across the country have made the shift to online learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same … Read more


Ransomware Attack on Buffalo School Systems


Stefan Maraj, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Ransomware Attack on Buffalo School Systems

High school students in Buffalo, New York, have had a rough year. Like many other students throughout the U.S., the pandemic forced them to tackle virtual learning. Then,on Monday, March 15, 2021, Buffalo schools were set to open; however, the return to school was cancelled. The reason? A ransomware attack on the Buffalo School System.  … Read more

Teaching Cybersecurity to Kids


Frankie Wallace, ,

Cybersecurity Teach to Kids girl on Computer Education Classroom Teacher

As people who grew up without cell phones, tablets, and computers, today’s parents have — at least generally speaking — learned to be skeptical of technology. We understand that there was a world before it, and we lived through some of the earliest threats (like Y2K, the Target hack, the Equifax data dump, and more). … Read more

Starting a Career in Cybersecurity


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Woman on computer pursuing a career in cybersecurity, University of San Diego, USD, Cybersecurity Career

Cybersecurity is a very large field, filled with many specialized jobs that require a large variety of skills. Though it seems silly to point this out, it is sadly necessary to state that “cybersecurity expert” is not an actual job title. The hardest part of getting a cybersecurity career is knowing how each individual component … Read more

From the Spring 2015 Issue

Cyber Innovation Center: a Pioneer in Cyber-Education and Workforce Development


G.B. Cazes, Vice President, Cyber Innovation Center

What do you want to be when you grow up? This is a timeless question teachers across the country ask their students. A typical response: doctor, nurse, lawyer, fireman, veterinarian. While these are great occupations, today’s workforce not only includes these professions but also great opportunities for computer and data scientists, cybersecurity directors, digital forensics … Read more

From the Spring 2015 Issue

Creating Your Ultimate Code-Cracker: the Design of Digital Forensic Workstations


John Samborski, CEO, Ace ComputersUnited

Today most records of individuals, businesses, government agencies, and even criminal organizations are stored on various types of electronic media. In order to properly investigate a suspect, evidence needs to be extractable from electronically stored information (ESI) sources without being corrupted. Digital forensics is the acquisition, scientific examination, and analysis of data retrieved from digital … Read more