University of Maryland Eastern Shore
From the Fall 2021 Issue

Patchwork State Privacy Legislation vs Federal Law: Small and Midsize Businesses Would Benefit from One Clear Path


Michelle A. Schaap, Team Leader, Privacy & Data Security Practice, Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi PC

Once Clear Path

Privacy initiatives are gaining traction across the country. The problem is that the states’ laws are inconsistent, leaving small and mid-sized businesses, in particular, struggling to understand by which laws they are bound and which “reasonable” means to implement towards securing the personal information they control and process. Moreover, while all 50 states have breach … Read more

From the Fall 2021 Issue

Pros and Cons of Paying Ransomware


Dr. Jason Edwards, Director of Cybersecurity Strategy and Planning, USAA

Griffin Weaver, Senior Legal Counsel, Dell Technologies

Introduction Ransomware is one of the most prolific cybersecurity threats that businesses face. A combination of a virus and a worm, combined with numerous social engineering techniques, have made it a billion-dollar industry for criminals across the planet.  Ransomware is a common and fast-growing industry made even worse through modern franchising by more extensive and … Read more