University of Maryland Eastern Shore

Pirated Software Presents New Cybersecurity Risks for Small-Business Owners


Oscar Collins, Editor-in-Chief, Modded

Pirated Software

Although using unlicensed or pirated business software is illegal, many companies still get away with it. According to the latest Global Software Survey conducted by the Business Software Alliance (BSA), approximately 37% of all software worldwide is unlicensed and technically illegal. The continued practice of software piracy might not always result in legal repercussions, but … Read more

The Dangers of Ransomware Through File-Sharing Software


Jacob Fox, Tech Evangelist, Cobalt

Dangers of File-Sharing Software

Ransomware is an ever-growing threat to businesses and consumers alike. According to Jeff Thull, the Senior Director of Threat Research at Cisco, “Now we are dealing with cyber-based extortionists that seek to hide their identity through powerful anonymization tools by going after personal information.” Once infected, ransomware can render your files inaccessible. Unless the attackers … Read more

Software Startups: The Shift Left Security Strategy


Prabhat Pokharel, CEO, Biz Serve IT

Software Startups Shift Left Security Strategy

Most modern-day software startups follow an iterative development process with frequent and incremental releases. It encourages teams to “fail early and fail often,” thus preventing disasters. Incrementally released software is developed and tested within a sprint. The goal for such is to deliver customer values by the end of the sprint. But how often is … Read more

6 Potential Vulnerabilities in Fleet Data and Strategies to Address Them


Oscar Collins, Editor-in-Chief, Modded

Fleet Data Vulnerabilities

The rise of digital services, automation, and greater intelligence — namely through analytics — has vastly improved the logistics industry, fleet management notwithstanding. But a particular caveat comes with digitization — it’s more vulnerable to cyber threats. While the technology’s convenience and benefits are worth the risks, that doesn’t mean cybersecurity professionals should ignore them … Read more

5 Best Practices for Ensuring Secure Software Deployment


Adam Smith, Content Writer, Contenterist

5 Best Practices for Secure Software Deployment

Security is a part of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) that needs to be made a part of every cycle process, especially deployment. Secure software deployment does not start when the software is being deployed; it starts way back when the first line of code is written. Here are some secure software development best … Read more

How to Stay Safe Online: Best Safety Tips and Resources


Aloukik Rathore, Co-Founder, Cannibals Media

Online Safety - Stay Safe Online

People should be informed of online safety precautions in today’s digital environment. The extent of our reliance on the web cannot be overstated. Different corporations and enterprises are continually collecting and storing our private data and information in order to target adverts, sales, and promotions based on our preferences. How can we undertake individual efforts … Read more

Casino Cybersecurity: Risks and Attacks


Vytautas Nemunaitis, SEO Manager, Market Rats

casino cybersecurity

Amidst the glitz and glamour of the casino atmosphere, cybersecurity doesn’t typically come to mind. Exciting lights, sounds, and the general awe and wonder of the ambiance bombard our eyes, ears, and minds. Yet, in our modern interconnected age, we must remember that everything from washing machines to refrigerators has internet features. While some casino … Read more


Companies Must Prepare for Escalating Ransomware Attacks and Threats


Noman Ansari, Senior Writer, Malwarebytes

Ransomware Attacks - Cybersecurity Software

There certainly have been some dangerous ransomware attacks in the recent past. In 2017, the WannaCry ransomware attack exploited a security flaw in Microsoft Windows OS to hold over 200,000 computers hostage worldwide. The hospitals that were struck by WannaCry had to cancel essential procedures, including emergency services. After postponing thousands of appointments, the costs … Read more

Problems With Anti-Virus Software and Alternative Solutions


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Anti-Virus Software, Hand holding magnifying glass to computer, virus detected

Anti-Virus software is the layman’s solution to cybersecurity. Functioning as a first line of defense, Anti-Virus software works to prevent, detect, and remove malware from your computer. However, Anti-Virus software is not a cure all solution. In fact, IMB Knowledge Center published a piece on the limitations of Anti-Virus protection. In the article, they cite … Read more