University of Maryland Eastern Shore

Emergency Actions After Hacking


Isabell Gaylord, ,

emergency sign in room with red chairs, emergency, hacking metaphor

Hacking has become ubiquitous on the internet. With even major companies like Evernote getting hacked, it’s not hard to imagine that you, an individual, could also get hacked. The experience is actually quite common, though that does not necessarily make it any less distressing. You are left feeling confused, with no idea what you should … Read more

Fraud Prevention With Good Cybersecurity Practices


Kayla Matthews, ,

Fraud Concept

Financial fraud cases show up in the headlines regularly. Yet people don’t necessarily connect these cases to cybersecurity. However, it’s often true that good cybersecurity makes a person or company less likely to experience financial fraud. Cybersecurity Starts With Awareness Many scammers who operate online pose as legitimate brands, such as banks or e-commerce companies. … Read more

How to Set up Two-Step Verification on Your Social Media Accounts


Mary Steinford, ,

Two-Step Verification

One of the most remarkable developments in the consumer technology industry in the past two decades is the emergence of social media networks. Social media has revolutionized the sort of social connections and interactions we have offline. Additionally, it has enhanced how we communicate and stay informed. Nowadays, billions of people around the world use … Read more

The Netflix Sharing Problem


Zia Hayat, CEO, Callsign

Red Head Woman watching Netflix on her Smart TV, Watching Daredevil, Options on the Bottom of TV like Daredevil, Black Mirror, Peaky BLinders, Glitch, The Crown, etc.

Netflix Has a Problem With Password Sharing. We have all heard the story of the college grad using his former roommate’s parents’ Netflix password. We all know the ex-boyfriend binging his favorite shows with his ex-girlfriend’s account credentials. Many consider the sharing economy a positive thing. However, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, HBO and others are literally … Read more

The Top 5 Cybersecurity Myths That Need to Die


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Cybersecurity Myths Man in Suit Looking at a White Wall With Two Direction Arrows Pointed To Fact or Myths

Cybersecurity myths are pervasive ideas people have about cybersecurity that weaken your cybersecurity posture. These myths often are defense mechanisms, rationalizations for apathy and inaction. It is important to dispel these myths. Otherwise, you could be opening yourself, or your business, to vulnerability. Cybersecurity Myth #1: Cybersecurity is the IT Guy’s Problem If you work … Read more