University of Maryland Eastern Shore

Mobile Security: Safeguarding Your Information


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Mobile Security, phone getting hacked, web, hands on phone, malware

Mobile security is a relatively new field in the world of cybersecurity. The rise of mobile computing calls for an increased vigilance in regards to our personal information. Smart phones and the like are now the standard. In fact, according to the Pew Research Center, 95% of Americans own a cellphone of some kind. The … Read more

Why Data Security Has Become a Priority for Healthcare Professionals


Frankie Wallace, ,


The healthcare industry has been particularly vulnerable to cybersecurity risks. The biggest data breaches in 2018 involved email, phishing attacks, and the misconfiguration of databases. One attack even lasted longer than a year. With so much patient data in the healthcare system, it’s becoming increasingly important to improve data security. There are a variety of … Read more

A Brief and Incomplete History of Cybersecurity


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Cybersecurity History, evolved, evolution of man, blue men, computer, cyber

Many people assume that cybersecurity is a new vector, relatively starting within the last decade. However, cybersecurity history dates back to the seventies, before most people even had a computer. We have covered hacking incidents that took place before computers, but for the purposes of this article, our timeline starts in 1971, with an experiment. … Read more

Watering Hole Attacks: The Tainted Oasis


Josh Henry, ,

Antelopes at a Watering Hole in the desert drinking

Watering Hole Attacks: The Tainted Oasis Watering hole attacks are still wreaking havoc on targeted groups and institutions around the globe. These attacks target major corporations and financial institutions. However, now they are penetrating these corporations’ servers by trapping a single user. The Name In the wild, there are many predators that lurk in the … Read more

The Top 5 Cybersecurity Myths That Need to Die


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Cybersecurity Myths Man in Suit Looking at a White Wall With Two Direction Arrows Pointed To Fact or Myths

Cybersecurity myths are pervasive ideas people have about cybersecurity that weaken your cybersecurity posture. These myths often are defense mechanisms, rationalizations for apathy and inaction. It is important to dispel these myths. Otherwise, you could be opening yourself, or your business, to vulnerability. Cybersecurity Myth #1: Cybersecurity is the IT Guy’s Problem If you work … Read more

Malicious Apps: For Play or Prey?


Josh Henry, ,

Malicious Apps, hand holding phone with a warning sign on it, red background

Malicious Apps Today’s society is adapting to excessive use of cell phones and personal data stored in them. Federal laws have been changed to protect citizens from police authorities rummaging through our cell phones without the proper documentation. Considering that criminals have much less trouble adapting than lawmakers, they are usually one step ahead and … Read more