University of Maryland Eastern Shore

The Untold History of Women in Cybersecurity


Karen Austin, CEO, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

The Untold History of Women in Cybersecurity

In the past, women’s role in the tech industry has been underrepresented, however, women have long been active in information security.  Their contributions are often overlooked and under-appreciated. Perhaps because women’s stories aren’t told as often as men.  Many cybersecurity professionals are unaware that women have been shaping and protecting our data for decades.  Despite … Read more

A Brief and Incomplete History of Cybersecurity


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Cybersecurity History, evolved, evolution of man, blue men, computer, cyber

Many people assume that cybersecurity is a new vector, relatively starting within the last decade. However, cybersecurity history dates back to the seventies, before most people even had a computer. We have covered hacking incidents that took place before computers, but for the purposes of this article, our timeline starts in 1971, with an experiment. … Read more