University of Maryland Eastern Shore

Starting a Career in Cybersecurity


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Woman on computer pursuing a career in cybersecurity, University of San Diego, USD, Cybersecurity Career

Cybersecurity is a very large field, filled with many specialized jobs that require a large variety of skills. Though it seems silly to point this out, it is sadly necessary to state that “cybersecurity expert” is not an actual job title. The hardest part of getting a cybersecurity career is knowing how each individual component … Read more

What is a Hacktivist?


Patrick Putman, ,

Anonymous Hacktivist Mask

Hacking is no longer just about breaking into a computer to steal money or data. Hackers have developed new methods of influencing policy and bringing about change. Especially with society’s heightened sense of political awareness. Subsequently, they are turning internet activism as a way of spreading their idealism. Simply put, a hacktivist is someone who … Read more

Hospitality Breaches


Josh Henry, ,

Hospitality Breach picture of Courtyard Marriott

Leaving the Light on for Everyone Hospitality breaches are the newest target for bad actors. Data breaches are making headlines more and more. As a result, large corporations in the hospitality industry are acquiring large targets on their back. Of course, this is no surprise. In fact, this problem has escalated since last year. Needed … Read more

Threat Intelligence: How It Can Help Tackle Malware, Phishing and Hacking


Jonathan Zhang, ,

Man walking down red hallway with icons, threat intelligence abstract

Cyber attacks happen all the time and in multiple forms, causing tremendous harm — e.g., broken trust, financial loss, reputation damage, and intellectual property theft. So preventing and stopping threats surely sounds like a priority, right? The tricky part is that there is not just a one-size-fits-all approach to achieve that. Each organization is unique … Read more

Hacking Through History: Three People Who Hacked Without Computers


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Hand clicking on Morse Code, Cybersecurity History, Early Hacking

People usually attribute the history of cybersecurity to the Creeper. The Creeper was an infamous program that acted as the first virus in history. This 1971 virus was distributed to mainframe computers and possessed to ability to move around. The program was not malicious in anyway. The Creeper did no damage.  It simply would display … Read more