University of Maryland Eastern Shore

Security and Hacking Issues with Metaverse


Karen Austin, CEO, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Metaverse Security and Hacking Issues

All technology has its own advantages and disadvantages, and virtual reality technologies are no different.  Metaverse, the latest in virtual reality, may seem like it’s only good, but there are several security concerns that should be addressed before it is released to the public.  With the help of all types of hackers from around the … Read more

Cybersecurity Acronyms – A Practical Glossary


Lauren Abshire, Director of Content Strategy, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Cybersecurity Acronyms

Whether you are a cybersecurity professional, an end-user, just starting in cybersecurity or interested in the field, this cybersecurity acronym practical glossary is for everyone. Cybersecurity acronyms can be confusing, especially with some acronyms having dual meanings – think IP address and IP for Intellectual Property – and some acronyms having very slight differences. Here, … Read more

Emergency Actions After Hacking


Isabell Gaylord, ,

emergency sign in room with red chairs, emergency, hacking metaphor

Hacking has become ubiquitous on the internet. With even major companies like Evernote getting hacked, it’s not hard to imagine that you, an individual, could also get hacked. The experience is actually quite common, though that does not necessarily make it any less distressing. You are left feeling confused, with no idea what you should … Read more

What Bitcoin Needs to Become a True Global Currency


Frankie Wallace, ,


The popularity of bitcoin is connected with being able to purchase things across the world without changing currency, as well as being able to stay anonymous and do business without interference from government agencies. Even though its popularity is growing rapidly, there are issues preventing the global adoption of bitcoin. Before cryptocurrencies can become a … Read more

(In)Famous Hacking Groups


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

The Different Hacking Groups Hacking Groups are a staple of cybersecurity culture. Since the 1995 release of the movie Hackers, there has been a very specific subset of cultural cliches we associate with all hacking groups. However, some hacking groups aren’t youthful, energetic teenagers or lone wolfs. In fact, some groups are state sponsored, and … Read more