Watering Hole Attacks: The Tainted Oasis


Josh Henry, ,

Antelopes at a Watering Hole in the desert drinking

Watering Hole Attacks: The Tainted Oasis Watering hole attacks are still wreaking havoc on targeted groups and institutions around the globe. These attacks target major corporations and financial institutions. However, now they are penetrating these corporations’ servers by trapping a single user. The Name In the wild, there are many predators that lurk in the … Read more

Top 10 Cybersecurity Risks For 2019


Duncan Kingori, ,

2019 Cyber Risk Man Assessing Servers Blue Illustration Password

2019 Risks Cybersecurity reports by Cisco show that thirty-one percent of organizations have at some point have encountered cyber-attacks on their operations technology. Cybersecurity breaches are no longer news. It is a topic that is finally being addressed due to the intensity and volume of attacks. 2019 is a fresh year and you can be sure … Read more

“DND”-R: Giving your Disaster Recovery Strategy a Dungeon Master.


Tricia A. Howard, ,

Dungeons and Dragons dice roll, disaster recovery.

Disaster Recovery (DR) has always been a very comprehensive and multi-departmental undertaking. This has only increased in connectivity in the digital age. With so many devices being connected to the network now, it is beyond the traditional natural disasters and power outages. We must view network security as an integral piece of any disaster recovery … Read more

The Netflix Sharing Problem


Zia Hayat, CEO, Callsign

Red Head Woman watching Netflix on her Smart TV, Watching Daredevil, Options on the Bottom of TV like Daredevil, Black Mirror, Peaky BLinders, Glitch, The Crown, etc.

Netflix Has a Problem With Password Sharing. We have all heard the story of the college grad using his former roommate’s parents’ Netflix password. We all know the ex-boyfriend binging his favorite shows with his ex-girlfriend’s account credentials. Many consider the sharing economy a positive thing. However, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, HBO and others are literally … Read more

The Dark Side of AI


Josh Henry, ,

AI The Dark Side of AI, Artificial Intelligence, AI concept, Brain on motherboard

The rise of AI is as inevitable as the next data breach.  The 21st century has seen a massive resurgence in highly advanced AI usage techniques. We can now process large amounts of data in a short amount of time. We can use machine learning to help machines improve on their mistakes. In fact, we … Read more

The Top 5 Cybersecurity Myths That Need to Die


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Cybersecurity Myths Man in Suit Looking at a White Wall With Two Direction Arrows Pointed To Fact or Myths

Cybersecurity myths are pervasive ideas people have about cybersecurity that weaken your cybersecurity posture. These myths often are defense mechanisms, rationalizations for apathy and inaction. It is important to dispel these myths. Otherwise, you could be opening yourself, or your business, to vulnerability. Cybersecurity Myth #1: Cybersecurity is the IT Guy’s Problem If you work … Read more

Equifax was Careless With Your Data


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Josh Henry, ,

Data breach and private personal information theft as a technology security concept as a digital thief stealing code as a computing risk idea in a 3D illustration style. Equifax

The Cost of Carelessness Is it possible to quantify carelessness? Recent news about Equifax has shown the veracity of carelessness seen in the cybersecurity department of major corporations and countries. This year alone, we have seen many companies that we trust with our personal information fail us. Because of this, the catastrophic failures of cybersecurity … Read more

What is a Hacktivist?


Patrick Putman, ,

Anonymous Hacktivist Mask

Hacking is no longer just about breaking into a computer to steal money or data. Hackers have developed new methods of influencing policy and bringing about change. Especially with society’s heightened sense of political awareness. Subsequently, they are turning internet activism as a way of spreading their idealism. Simply put, a hacktivist is someone who … Read more