Cybersecurity Trends in The Healthcare Industry


Frankie Wallace, ,

Healthcare Industry Cybersecurity

The healthcare Industry contains private and sensitive information about millions of patients in every country. Therefore, it’s no wonder that in 2017, it was the target of over 50 percent of cyber-attacks. Loaded with identity-revealing information like social security numbers, dates of birth, billing information and, of course, health insurance information, these details can be … Read more

AI Chip Technology


Pratik Gundawar, ,

AI Chips, AI Chip, Blue computer interior, wires and chips

Intense Race Between Tech Giants Fuels the Growth of The Ai Chip Technology Being the most disruptive technology of our time, artificial intelligence (AI) has made its way into our day-to-day activities. From robotics to the healthcare sector and from transportation to the computing industry, AI has brought remarkable changes. In fact, the incorporation of … Read more

The Top 5 Cybersecurity Myths That Need to Die


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Cybersecurity Myths Man in Suit Looking at a White Wall With Two Direction Arrows Pointed To Fact or Myths

Cybersecurity myths are pervasive ideas people have about cybersecurity that weaken your cybersecurity posture. These myths often are defense mechanisms, rationalizations for apathy and inaction. It is important to dispel these myths. Otherwise, you could be opening yourself, or your business, to vulnerability. Cybersecurity Myth #1: Cybersecurity is the IT Guy’s Problem If you work … Read more

6 Tips for Getting the Most out of Cybersecurity Conferences


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Man speaking at a conference on cybersecurity conferences

An important part of cybersecurity is plugging into the surrounding community. Connectivity is a major component of spreading new innovations. Many security professionals enjoy attending conferences for this very reason. But when attending cybersecurity conferences, it is important to get the most out of your interactions. Therefore, here are some tips to make sure you … Read more