University of Maryland Eastern Shore

What Scams Are Hackers Using to Threaten Your Internet Security?

Frankie Wallace

The internet has helped us accomplish a lot in the last few years by bringing together the minds of people from all around the world. It has made life more easy and convenient. However, there have been some drawbacks as well. Apart from some of the societal changes that came with the internet, we are now dealing with more security risks and scams than ever before.

By simply using the internet, tons of people put themselves and their personal information at risk theft. Moreover, their data could then be used to steal someone’s identity, as well as their bank account information. While cybersecurity is commonly addressed through passwords and secure checkouts, it’s not always enough when a person is targeted by hackers.

Only 11% of Americans don’t use the internet. Therefore, the majority of citizens are at risk of falling victim to cyber crime. In fact, many people use their phones and other technology for several hours each day. Throughout this time, they could become susceptible to hackers who may be looking for vulnerabilities.

Scams Used by Hackers

There are countless scams that con consumers out of their hard-earned money, and they are growing in popularity with each passing year. Hackers often seek out a variety of ways to find weak points in people’s internet security. Additionally, they count on people being aware of some threats but not others. Most people aren’t constantly thinking about cybersecurity as they use the internet. Therefore, if they let their guard down at a critical moment, a hacker may be waiting to take advantage of them.

This is done throughout various windows of opportunity, such as while people are online shopping, perusing their emails, or using their smart technology. Whatever you use the internet for, it helps to know the scams hackers are using so you can avoid them whenever possible.


The growth of online retail has been tremendous over the last several years, raking in $504.6 billion in 2018. Amazon set the bar high for the expectations of convenience in online shopping. Therefore, many other businesses have stepped up their online presence to encourage shoppers to make their purchases on the web. However, the increase in people using their credit card information online has also increased their risk of having their information stolen by hackers.

Hackers often use malware to spy on your online activity, which means they may be able to see when you enter your credit card information if the website doesn’t have enough safety measures in place. Once you’re hacked, they can track your keystrokes, steal your passwords, and see enough private information to cause some serious damage in your life. Moreover, if you’ve ever had an unauthorized purchase made on your bank account without losing your credit card, a hacker probably stole your information.

Smart Appliances

Smart appliances include any device that has internet connectivity. This includes smart speakers like Google Home. Additionally refrigerators, coffee pots, and microwaves may be connected to the internet. While these appliances don’t usually process any important or confidential information, they can be used as a gateway into your home, where hackers can invade your privacy.

Smart appliances are relatively new; therefore, there are no hard standards yet for the type of security that must be built into them by manufacturers. Because of this, they are vulnerable to hackers. After all, they don’t have to go through as many of the obstacles that are used to protect websites, which are often encrypted to prevent users from being hacked.


Email phishing is a classic scam hackers use to break through your internet security. The tactic is simple yet effective. For example, hackers personalize emails enough that unsuspecting users open them and include attachments that automatically download malware onto victims’ devices. This can lead to spyware, ransomware, and other viruses that can affect your technology.

To avoid falling victim to a phishing scheme, it’s best to avoid opening suspicious emails from people who are not in your contacts or who you aren’t expecting messages from. If you open emails because they appear to be from someone you know, don’t open any unfamiliar attachments until you know their contents. Furthermore, if you have any questions about a suspicious email that appears to be from someone you know, give them a call to confirm its authenticity.

Protecting Yourself

Once you recognize common scams, it can be easier to avoid falling victim to hackers and cyber-thieves. Avoiding scams by being cautious while you use the internet is the best way to avoid being defrauded, but there are also other steps you can take to add an additional level of security to your surfing:

Improving Internet Security

To protect yourself from online scams, it helps to have anti-virus software. There is a variety of software that help scan for these threats and provide a shield that can pose a serious challenge to hackers looking to find their way into your computer or email account.

It’s also important to update your software in a timely manner. Updates help keep your technology safe by closing any software safety gaps that hackers could potentially break in through. They also help change the technology so that hackers don’t have enough time to break through the encryption that keeps your tech safe.

Pirated apps and software also pose malware risks. Hackers know people often seek to download these files and use these opportunities to include viruses into the downloads. Avoiding pirated content scams will help you keep hackers out of your devices.

Safe Passwords

Although it can be annoying to have many different long and complicated passwords for various websites, this is an internet safety basic for a reason: If you use the same password on every site, a hacker will have access to your entire online presence once they crack that one password. This can lead to a complete violation of all your personal and private information.

If you simply choose to come up with a really easy password, you risk the same. Hackers often use software that automatically tries hundreds of different password combinations until they find the correct combination, and selecting an easy one makes this so much easier for them. Always pick a password that is a random arrangement of letters, numbers, and symbols that will be difficult to guess.

Hackers are constantly using scams to look for opportunities to invade your privacy. This can often pose real dangers that can complicate your life and put you in a difficult situation. By staying aware of the tricks they’re using, you can take precautions to avoid those waiting to hack into your life.

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