From the Summer 2022 Issue

Zero Trust and Cryptanalytically Relevant Quantum Computers


Connie Uthoff, Program Director, The George Washington University

Over the past decade, due to the increase of sophisticated cyber threats and the success of malicious cyber threat actors, it has become increasingly clear that perimeter based cyber defenses have not been effective enough to protect public or private sector organizations.  The SolarWinds breach, the 2021 Microsoft Exchange Server compromise, the Capitol Pipeline and … Read more

From the Summer 2022 Issue

Three Security Challenges Federal Agencies Can Overcome with SASE, Zero Trust and SSE


Shamla Naidoo, Head of Cloud Strategy and Innovation, Netskope

Netskope Summer 2022 feature

New Federal Zero Trust Strategy Requires a New Approach to Create More Trust, Not Less One of the challenges to zero trust adoption that agencies have been wrangling with is the definition. Following Executive Order 14028 to improve the nation’s cybersecurity and protect federal government networks, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) recently released … Read more

From the Summer 2022 Issue

Securing APIs Through External Attack Surface Management (EASM)


Phillip Wylie, Manager of Tech Evangelism & Enablement, CyCognito

Securing APIs-Phillip Wylie

As cybersecurity teams work tirelessly to secure their computing environments and stay ahead of risks, two areas that stand out are external attack surfaces and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). These two areas are not new but have been overlooked or not adequately addressed. Attack surfaces, internal and external, have been around a long time. APIs … Read more

From the Summer 2022 Issue

Creating New Value Chains Through Disruptive Cyber Innovations


Kristi S. Halford, Founder, C3 Visionary Strategies

CSIOS Feature Summer 2022

Over the years, the Department of Defense (DOD) has continued to improve and optimize its capacity and capability to prevent and respond to an ever-increasing number of cyber threats and challenges. These include attributing cyber-attacks to their source; maneuvering in foreign cyberspace; relying on contracted commercial assets, including Internet service providers and global supply chains; … Read more