The CSO Conference & Awards: A Brief History
Blockchain Technology: From Hype to The Future
Tools to Meet Tomorrow’s Mobile Cybersecurity Threats for Government
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The Importance of Jailbreaks for iOS Security Work
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6 Potential Vulnerabilities in Fleet Data and Strategies to Address Them
The rise of digital services, automation, and greater intelligence — namely through analytics — has vastly improved the logistics industry, fleet management notwithstanding. But a particular caveat comes with digitization — it’s more vulnerable to

6 Data-Backed Predictions for Cybersecurity in 2023
Changes in technology happen rapidly. Innovations emerge as people and companies conduct business every day. Tech can be a significant benefit or a detriment when cybercriminals take advantage of innocent people and attack their vulnerabilities.

Top Cybersecurity Trends to Watch for in 2023
It’s no secret that the cybersecurity landscape is constantly evolving. New threats are emerging all the time, and existing threats are becoming more sophisticated. This makes it critical for organizations to stay ahead of the

The Mental Health Toll on Cybersecurity Professionals and What Organizations Can Do to Address It
Cybersecurity is a stressful industry. Every year, despite the best efforts of the greatest minds in the business, millions of data breaches slip through the cracks, and hackers find their way in. That can cost

How to Talk to Your Kids About Cybersecurity
As tech leaders, it’s important that we remember to connect with kids about the importance of online security. Teaching children about the dangers of the internet requires a bit of extra patience, but it also

Redefine Your Web and API Security with a WAAP Solution
API vulnerabilities have been at the root of some of the most significant security breaches in recent memory, such as when the Cambridge Analytica scandal revealed personal information about over 50 million Facebook users. Uber

Insider Threats: Best Practices to Counter Them
Cybersecurity has become a critical strategic aspect for most organizations around the globe. Perhaps rightly so, considering the total damage caused by cyber-attacks in 2022 has already amounted to $6 trillion, this figure is likely

Why We Need Security Automation
It’s About Time 42:54. Minutes and seconds. That’s how fast the average ransomware variant encrypts 100,000 files and locks out a user. 04:09. That’s the few minutes and seconds Lockbit could take to encrypt 53