The CSO Conference & Awards: A Brief History
Blockchain Technology: From Hype to The Future
Tools to Meet Tomorrow’s Mobile Cybersecurity Threats for Government
Account Takeover Fraud: Navigating the Treacherous Digital Waters
The Importance of Jailbreaks for iOS Security Work
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Cyber Attack: The Only Safe Computer is a “Dead” Computer.
It is not so much “if” you will suffer a cyber attack, but “when”. There is an old saying in the industry that goes, “The only safe computer is a ‘dead’ computer.” Basically, this means

Top 10 Useful Network Vulnerability Scanning Tools
Network security is very important in today’s world. Network scanning, or rather network vulnerability scanning, has a crucial role to play in regards to the overall security of any enterprise and the data that it

Threat Intelligence: How It Can Help Tackle Malware, Phishing and Hacking
Cyber attacks happen all the time and in multiple forms, causing tremendous harm — e.g., broken trust, financial loss, reputation damage, and intellectual property theft. So preventing and stopping threats surely sounds like a priority,

Hacking Through History: Three People Who Hacked Without Computers
People usually attribute the history of cybersecurity to the Creeper. The Creeper was an infamous program that acted as the first virus in history. This 1971 virus was distributed to mainframe computers and possessed to

Cybersecurity Career
Cybersecurity is a growing threat. Last year, we saw 143 million Americans lost their personal, sensitive information in an Equifax data breach. This year, we saw Facebook allow our personal information to be mined by

Script Kiddie: Unskilled Amateur or Dangerous Hackers?
Anyone can download software from the internet. These days, all it takes is someone with a computer and access to the web. There are thousands of hacking and security programs that exist online. These programs

Artists Could Solve the Talent Shortage
It is no secret that we are in the midst of a talent shortage in the cybersecurity industry. Cybersecurity grew seemingly overnight. These days, we are dealing with that fallout every day. In fairness, we

Why People are Ditching Social Media
The Pew Research Center has released a new report that tracks the relationship people have currently with social media. It has been six months since Facebook revealed that they were allowing user’s information to be