University of Maryland Eastern Shore
From the Spring 2015 Issue

Small Business Big Threats: Cybersecurity in Small Enterprise EnvironmentsUnited

Amanda Fortner
Managing Editor | United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Megan Clark
Help Desk Technician | Bryn Mawr College

Cybersecurity may not seem like a priority for many small enterprise environments - after all, you’re small. Who would want to hack, phish, or spam you? But small enterprise environments face just as much, if not more, threat as large corporations. You need only look at recent news to see why small businesses may be tempting targets for bad actors: Reuters, Target, CNN, The Washington Post, and Time were all compromised through their interactions with small to medium-sized businesses.1

Now that we’ve established that you’re not just small fry but a tempting catch, you need to . . .

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