Since its establishment in 2001, the Department of Defense (DOD) Cybersecurity Service Provider (CSSP) Program has progressively and systematically matured to become one of the most critical components of the Department’s Defense — In-Depth strategy. Today, 24 DOD CSSPs are responsible for provisioning 24x7x365 cybersecurity services (e.g., protect, detect, respond, and sustain) to implement and protect DOD information networks; a task considered by many as daunting and ambitious as the DOD’s cyber landscape extends globally to more than 145 countries, 15,000 classified and unclassified networks, and 7.5 million computers and Information Technology . . .
From the Winter 2019 Issue
Cybersecurity Policy
Increasing the Operational Readiness and Performance of Department of Defense Cybersecurity Service Providers
Cesar Pie
Strategist | Defensive Cyber Solutions Branch
Clinton Hackney
Strategist | Defensive Cyber Solutions Branch

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