University of Maryland Eastern Shore
From the Summer 2022 Issue

From the Publisher

Karen Austin
CEO | United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Karen Austin


Welcome to the Summer 2022 issue of the United States Cybersecurity Magazine!   As always, we’d like to take a moment to thank our supporters, members, sponsors, contributors, and everyone else who makes the magazine possible.  All of us here at the United States Cybersecurity Magazine remain committed to bringing you, our readers, the best and most topical cybersecurity information available.

I’d like to take a moment to emphasize the importance of focus.  There are two immutable truths with respect to cyber: First, the sophistication and efficacy of malicious actors is constantly improving.  Take some time to read Clifford Stoll’s The Cuckoo’s Egg, and you’ll be amazed at how basic the attacks that caused grave concern across the American national security apparatus were.  Since the time those attacks took place (the mid-1980s), attackers have only grown more effective and bolder.  Many of the services and much of the infrastructure they assail came into being since that time, but much of our information technology core remains the same.

Next, there is always going to be something new and shiny out there that suggests or implies the need for a new technological solution. Sometimes the impetus will come from the popular imagination, sometimes from evolving social mores, sometimes from a currently pressing political concern or agenda, or from any of a thousand other sources. It will be tempting to expend resources in an effort to create and profit from new opportunities.

The problem this creates is that the “old” problems, which are no longer new or shiny don’t go away. If anything, they magnify, multiply, and grow.  But, because time, effort and focus have shifted to the new and shiny, these pressing and often critical issues are under-resourced, understaffed, and in the most extreme cases, swept under the rug.

And this brings us back to the issue of focus.  Our industry represents a critical, irreplaceable element of the nation’s cyber defense, and when we let ourselves become distracted by short lived, chimerical, and often illusory avatars of The Current Thing, the real, ongoing, and critical issues get short shrift.  It’s essential that while we keep abreast of new developments, that we remain focused on our core missions. Do that, and our success is assured.

Where there’s a need for focus and clarity and resolution, there’s opportunity.  American industry has never shied away from opportunity, and American ingenuity has never failed to find creative solutions.  Now that we’ve all seen the havoc that can be sown through the indiscriminate global prosecution of information warfare, the opportunity to develop capabilities that remedy the problem is here.

And that’s where you come in.  It’s your dedication, your professionalism, and your expertise that will help the nation find its way out of these dangerous straits.  Our collective challenge is to rapidly implement these solutions that will enable us to turn the corner and contain the scourge of information warfare.  It’s why we at United States Cybersecurity Magazine produce this publication. There’s so much all of us can do.  We can write.  We can develop the next generation of cyber talent.  We can speak.  We can offer community training.  We owe it to our nation and to our future. 

We includes YOU.  Help us raise awareness about how cybersecurity is an essential component of American prosperity.  Let us showcase your solutions to real problems. 

We want you to use the magazine to give your company exposure.  Contact us to submit articles and to sponsor our Multi-Platform Publishing Portal.  Let us market your company!  Subscribe today, free, at; follow us on Twitter @uscybermag and visit us on Facebook at United States Cybersecurity Magazine.

The Cybersecurity industry deserves a voice of its own; hence, the United States Cybersecurity Magazine.

Karen Austin signature
Karen Austin
443-231-7438 |

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