From the Spring 2024 Issue

From the Publisher

Karen Austin
CEO | United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Karen AustinGreetings!

Welcome to the Spring 2024 issue of the United States Cybersecurity Magazine!  As always, we would like to take a moment to thank our supporters, members, sponsors, contributors, and everyone else who makes the magazine possible.  All of us here at the United States Cybersecurity Magazine remain committed to bringing you, our readers, the best and most topical cybersecurity information available.

At United States Cybersecurity Magazine, part of our brief is to spotlight the many technical innovations and achievements of the American cybersecurity community.  As we noted in the last issue, this is the community that turns problems into solutions, and innovations into products with the potential to make life safer and more secure for all Americans.

In this issue, we’d like to look at a pair of challenges facing the cybersecurity industry.  One of these is the result of inevitable advances in knowledge as time goes on.  The other is more of a self-inflicted wound. 

The first challenge is that technology continues to advance, often in ways that are not predictable.  Sometimes these advances threaten the viability of well-established, often critical technologies.  Sometimes they portend a combination of disruptive upheaval and astounding opportunity.  In the first case, there’s the challenge to fundamental security components posed by the advent of quantum computing.  This is balanced by the advent of advances in cryptography.  However, the nation and the industry are in a race against time to implement new technologies before the quantum threat is realized. 

In the other case, artificial intelligence (AI) promises to reinvent how we think about technology, its place in our lives, and the industries built around it.  There are already AI software engineers (See: and behemoths of the American tech industry starting to shed jobs as the impacts of AI begin to be felt (See:  While AI has the potential to drive innovation and new heights of productivity, it also has troubling implications for the workforce economy and security.

The second challenge revolves around the “security-first” focus of many cybersecurity companies.  To the industry’s great credit, much of the American economy has internalized the idea that its enabling technologies must be secure.  Security is now table stakes.  As a result, the industry’s traditional laser-focus on the security attributes of its products may start to work against it.  Customers expect security, but they want that security to come with tangible business benefits such as speed, productivity, and cost reductions.  Future success in cybersecurity will accrue to those organizations who can get out of their own headspace and into their customers’.

And that is where you come in.  Success in cybersecurity means being responsive to emerging challenges while continually placing ourselves in the shoes of the rest of America.  Our challenge is to respond to change in a way that benefits and advances the entire community.  It is one of the reasons why we at United States Cybersecurity Magazine produce this publication.

There is so much all of us can do to empower users to work securely.  We can speak.  We can lobby.  We can offer community training.  We owe it to our nation and to our future. 

We includes YOU.  Help us raise awareness about how educating for cybersecurity is an essential component of American prosperity.  Let us showcase your solutions to real problems. 

We want you to use the magazine to give your company exposure.  Contact us to submit articles and to sponsor our Multi-Platform Publishing Portal.  Let’s collaborate on a campaign for your company! 

Subscribe today, free, at; follow us on Twitter @uscybermag, and visit us on Facebook at United States Cybersecurity Magazine.

The Cybersecurity industry deserves a voice of its own; hence, the United States Cybersecurity Magazine.

Karen Austin signature
Karen Austin

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