Pretexting: The Art of Impersonation


Patrick Putman, ,

Pretexting, hacker working on business interface, sinister, animated

What is Pretexting Pretexting is a social engineering tactic that uses deception and false motives. Simply put, pretexting crafts fictional situations to obtain personal, sensitive, or privileged information. Pretexting often involves researching the target prior to the attack. The data collected is then used to manipulate and deceive the victim. The main goal of the … Read more

Microsegmentation and a Zero-Trust Network


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Server room, Microsegmentation in a zero-trust system

We are currently in an unfortunate situation where universally, every business model predicates itself around connectivity. In fact, to be on the edge of innovation is to connect, to everything, before anyone else connects. With each new development, security suffers immediately. The incredulity that is always met with a new Facebook data breach is going … Read more

What are the Best Computer Forensic Analysis Tools?


Julia Sowells, ,

Fingerprint on blue background, digitally connected, computer forensic analysis tools

 6 Best Computer Forensic Analysis Tools Computer forensics is of much relevance in today’s world. Though forensic analysis refers to searching and analyzing information to aid the process of finding evidence for a trial, computer forensic analysis is specially focused on detecting malware. A computer forensic analysis tools help detect unknown, malicious threats across devices … Read more